Potlatch 17: Feb. 29 - March 2, 2008

Clarion West Scholarship Auction

The Clarion West Scholarship Auction, held annually at Potlatch, is a charitable fundraiser for the nonprofit Clarion West Writers Workshop. We plan on having a Buy Great Stuff Right Now! quick sale table during the day, then segue into the raucous, glitter spangled, and freewheeling live auction on Saturday evening. We cannot promise you David Levine pretending to be Ellen Klages in a Chicken Suit, but then again, You Never Do Know.

Please consider making auction donations of cool stuff, nifty books, or offers of Tuckerization (the promise to include the auction winner as a character in your next published story -- this works best if you expect to have a next-published story) to this fully tax-deductible and eminently worthy cause (and, of course, if you want to donate but don't have cool stuff come buy some at the scholarship auction, we also gratefully accept monetary donations).

Please email auction coordinator Liz Copeland, at auction@potlatch-sf.org if you have an item to donate, questions about what makes a suitable donation, or if you wish to volunteer to help with the auction.

Here are some of the items the auction has received so far:

  • Elise Matthesen treasure chest including "The Apothecary's Owl is Suspicious" necklace, and a couple dozen singleton earrings. Most of the earrings are still attached to their descriptive cards
  • John Crowley Antiquities published by Incunabula Press, in shrinkwrap
  • R.A. Lafferty signed and numbered limited editions, with tipped in color plates, published by Corroboree Press