Potlatch 17: Feb. 29 - March 2, 2008


Department Name Email
Chair Kate Schaefer chair@potlatch-sf.org
Auction Liz Copeland
Luke McGuff
Bag Lady Marci Malinowycz baglady@potlatch-sf.org
Banquet Suzanne Tompkins banquet@potlatch-sf.org
Book of Honor Coordinator Alice Bentley boh@potlatch-sf.org
Dealers Room Jerry Kaufman
Alice Bentley
Hospitality Ellen Eades hospitality@potlatch-sf.org
Hotel Suzanne Tompkins hotel@potlatch-sf.org
Local Guide Stu Shiffman
Registrar Denys Howard registrar@potlatch-sf.org
Programming Mary Kay Kare programming@potlatch-sf.org
Publications Ulrika O'Brien
Stu Shiffman
Publisher Liaison Alice Bentley publisherliaison@potlatch-sf.org
Tiptree Bake Sale TBD bakesale@potlatch-sf.org
Treasurer Denys Howard treasurer@potlatch-sf.org
T-Shirt Tsar Luke McGuff tshirt@potlatch-sf.org
Web Ulrika O'Brien website@potlatch-sf.org
Writers Workshops Cat Rambo workshop@potlatch-sf.org

If you can't figure out who to contact, or you receive no response, please email potlatch17@gmail.com.

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