MembershipsPre-Convention Membership Sales are ClosedFull attending memberships will be available at the convention, for an at-the-door rate of $60. Check with the Registrar for Student and Child at-the-door rates. Registration opens at 3:00 pm on Friday. Banquet tickets ($22) and Freddie-Baer Potlatch 17 t-shirts ($15) will also be available for sale at the Registration desk during regular operating hours. Potlatch ScholarshipsWant to attend Potlatch but can't afford to? Want to make it possible for someone else to attend? Please let us know if you need a scholarship to cover your membership, if you want to make a donation to cover someone else's membership, or if you know someone who could use a scholarship but might not think of asking for one. Please check in at the Registration desk for details. Denys Howard, |