Main Program - Deca BallroomFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 20087:30-8PM Clarion West Annual General Meeting 8-9pm Clarion West Confidential 9-10PM Clarion West Thanks You! SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 200810-11:15AM Man and Aquaman 11:30AM-1 PM Lunch! 1-2:15PM Book of Honor Panel 2:30-3:45PM Second (or even Third?) Wave GLBT fiction 4-5:15PM Coming out as Atheist 5:30-7:30PM Dinner! 7:30-8 PM Trivia for Chocolate 8-10 PM Clarion West Benefit Auction SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 200811 AM-1 PM Banquet! Reading Track - Governor RoomFeaturing students and instructors of Clarion WestSATURDAY, MARCH 1, 20081-1:20PM - Pat Murphy 1:30-1:50PM - David Levine 2-2:20PM - Cat Rambo 2:30-2:50PM - Vylar Kaftan 3-3:20PM - Mary Rosenblum 3:30-3:50PM - Nisi Shawl 4-4:20PM - L. Timmel Duchamp 4:30-4:50PM - Suzy McKee Charnas 5-5:20PM - Bob Angell NANOPROGRAMMING AT POTLATCHThe program at Potlatch has a limited number of panels, presented in a single track. This focus allows the entire membership to share a continuing conversation all weekend. Such a focused program cannot touch on everything that interests our members, though. For those additional topics, for subjects that play better in a smaller group, and for those ideas that arise during the course of the weekend, we offer what we call "nanoprogramming". These program items are not on the provided schedule; they are created and facilitated by you, the members. We provide the place to announce your nanoprogramming items, and we offer suggestions for times and places to hold your discussion or event. The rest is up to you. Nanos from prior Potlatches have included: poker games; field trips to interesting food stores; a single-malt scotch-tasting expedition; a round table about community, over breakfast; an organized chat about dinosaurs, over lunch; visits to local bookstores, and to the Mecca of Tat, Archie McPhee's; and a breakfast for fans of historical mysteries to swap favorite titles and authors. You may find, whether you're on a panel or in the audience, that there's just not enough time during the alloted hour to dig down into all that interests you in the conversation. Some topics spark other topics and you all leave the panel room still following all the threads. Don't want the panel to stop? Head to the nanoprogramming board in the Registration area and create a followup discussion. Moderators, if your panel has generated more interesting ideas than you can cover, help your yearning masses find each other by suggesting where and how to seed a followup nano. Some nanoprogram is already in the works. Check back here to see what's listed, so you can plan ahead to participate. And let us know if you want to announce a nano event of yours here before the convention. Marci Malinowycz, Mary Kay Kare, |