Writers WorkshopsA Taste of Clarion West Workshop | Pat Murphy Mid-Career Writers ConversationPotlatch has a close association with Clarion West, an intensive six-week workshop for writers preparing for professional careers in science fiction and fantasy, held annually in Seattle. On the Friday of Potlatch, before regular programming begins, we offer the Taste of Clarion West short story workshop for beginning writers. This workshop can be particularly helpful for those who are considering applying to Clarion West in future years (current deadline for Clarion West applications is March 1, 2008). This year, on Sunday afternoon, Pat Murphy will also be holding her one-hour mid-career writers conversation, aimed at writers who have been publishing regularly for at least five years. This year's workshop will be conducted by L. Timmel DuChamp and Jay Lake, noted writers and instructors. It will be held in the Clarion West style -- you will be expected to read your fellow participants' stories beforehand and come prepared to comment constructively on them. To apply for the workshop, please submit a 2,000 to 8,000 word story in .rtf format to workshop@potlatch-sf.org by midnight PST on February 1, 2008. Formatting for your story should follow the guidelines here. While your story does not have to be fantasy or science fiction, you will find you will get the most out of the workshop with a story in one of those genres. Please submit a complete story, rather than a section of a longer work. Workshop space is limited. You will be sent the other stories for the workshop by Friday, February 8, 2008. You are responsible for printing them out and coming with copies. A handout on preparing to critique stories will be included. If you have questions regarding the workshop or conversation, please e-mail workshop@potlatch-sf.org. You do not need to reserve space in the Pat Murphy conversation beforehand. Cat Rambo |